Saturday, August 25, 2012

"A dream in a land of nightmares"

"In eastern part of AfghanistanShawl Pacha School seemed to be a project doomed from birth." But it did not happened. Not only the school has suceeded, but also turned into a model in this poor country. This story is told in "AMI Notícias" bulletin, of the third quarter of 2011. The article discusses the project managed by Hope of Mother and also education in Afghanistan in general.

Entitled "Afghanistan: where going to school is a dream", the article describes a visit to Mina Wali's school and explains how this project is like an "oasis" in a country (yet) so harsh to education (especially of women). "In many parts of Afghanistan, going to school is not a right, but an aspiration", one can read.

Afeganistão: onde ir à escola é um sonho, AMI Blog

Afeganistão: onde ir à escola é um sonho, AMI Notícias, 3rd quarter 2011 (distributed free with "Visão" magazine, November 17th, 2011) (appendix)



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